A Review of Interfirm Networks: A Deeper Understanding of The Relationship Paradigm


Interfirm Relationships

How to Cite

A Review of Interfirm Networks: A Deeper Understanding of The Relationship Paradigm. (2013). Journal of Business Strategies, 30(1), 52-95. https://doi.org/10.54155/jbs.30.1.52-95


Interfirm relationships or networks take a variety of forms and can potentially
provide significant synergy for the participants. Yet, most of research studies,
to date, have primarily analyzed interfirm networks based upon one paradigm/
perspective. This review aims to examine a complete theoretical basis of network
research and looks for research gaps and practical implications for both researchers
and practitioners. Specifically, it summarizes six conceptual perspectives regarding
interfirm networks: motivational, relational, structural, evolutionary, interactional,
and governance, in order to address similarities and differences among different
perspectives. With this purpose in mind, the relevant literature is reviewed and, at
the conclusion of each conceptual perspective, areas of research that require more
development and investigation are identified. Finally, suggestions for managers contemplating
or engaged in interfirm networks are presented.


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