Climate Change Strategies and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of The Natural Resource-Based View of The Firm


Climate Change

How to Cite

Climate Change Strategies and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of The Natural Resource-Based View of The Firm. (2010). Journal of Business Strategies, 27(2), 123-149.


There is widespread consensus that human activity has had a significant im­pact on global
climatic patterns which will have important consequences for much of society. Although there
has been much research on the relationship between cor­porate environmental performance and
corporate financial performance, empirical testing of the association between proactive
corporate climate-change strategies and financial (or accounting) performance is still in its
infancy. Based on the logic em­bodied in the Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV) of the firm, firms
that success­ fully implement strategies to lessen their effect on climate change should outperform
competitors who are less proactive in such efforts. This study uses a matched-pair design to
empirically demonstrate that firms with proactive climate change strate­gies achieved
significantly higher levels of accounting performance than competi­tors that were less
proactive, thus providing additional support for the NRBV.


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