Strategic Management: Is It An Academic Discipline?


Strategic Management
Academic Discipline

How to Cite

Cox, M., Daspit, J., McLaughlin, E., & Jones III, R. (2012). Strategic Management: Is It An Academic Discipline?. Journal of Business Strategies, 29(1), 25–42.


This paper seeks to address the question of whether strategic management
is an academic discipline, as critics have argued it is not. We offer a synthesized
definition of strategic management and assess whether strategic management is an
academic discipline by utilizing the framework established by Biglan (1973). This
framework requires disciplines to have a unifying paradigm(s) as well as practical
application of its theories. After analysis, we conclude that strategic management
meets Biglan’s (1973) requirements and should be considered an academic discipline.
In closing, we consider the future direction of strategic management research
and new research methods.

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