Personal and Social Determinants of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in Younger Consumers


Younger consumers
Fear of missing out (FoMO)
Personal dimension of FoMO
Social dimension of FoMO

How to Cite

Personal and Social Determinants of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in Younger Consumers. (2023). Journal of Business Strategies, 40(1), 21-36.


This study expands the exploration of a consumer behavior concept that has received considerable attention recently:  the fear of missing out (FoMO).  Several variables were analyzed in terms of their potential influence on FoMO:  social media usage, self-concept, social identity, smartphone usage, innovativeness, and gender.  The study builds upon the premise that the construct has two distinct components:  a personal dimension and a social dimension.  The importance of these results is discussed in terms of advancing FoMO theory as well as assisting practitioners in directing their promotional efforts. 



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