CEO Trustworthiness: Its Antecedents and Effects on Corporate Governance




board of directors, CEO characteristics, corporate governance mechanisms, trustworthiness

How to Cite

Gilley, K. M., Mayer, R., Walters, B., Dess, G., & Olson, B. (2023). CEO Trustworthiness: Its Antecedents and Effects on Corporate Governance. Journal of Business Strategies, 40(1), 1–20. (Original work published December 16, 2022)


We develop an integrated set of propositions describing the relationships among CEO characteristics, the perceived trustworthiness of the CEO, and the board of directors’ decisions concerning the governance structure of the firm. In particular, we propose that CEO education, tenure, experience, board memberships and founder status affect the board’s perception of the CEO’s ability, benevolence, and integrity (the three key trustworthiness dimensions), and that these trustworthiness perceptions then affect the board’s choice of governance mechanisms with regard to CEO compensation mix, CEO/board chair duality, board size, and outsider representation on the board. Our theoretical development suggests that agency theory’s difficulties in explaining corporate governance may be the result of researchers’ failure to incorporate CEO trustworthiness into their models.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 K. Matthew Gilley, Roger Mayer, Bruce Walters, Gregory Dess, Bradley Olson