Outperforming Peers Through A Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy: The Case of Electric Utilities


Climate Change
Corporate Climate Change Strategy
Corporate Financial Performance
Pairwise Comparison
Matched-Pair Design
Paired Samples t-test
Electric Utilities

How to Cite

Guenther, E., Schmidt, A., Bergmann, A., & Hilmann, J. (2018). Outperforming Peers Through A Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy: The Case of Electric Utilities. Journal of Business Strategies, 35(2), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.54155/jbs.35.2.1-28


Firms increasingly aim to combat climate change. For corporate managers,
the question whether a related strategy affects financial performance arises. Since
empirical research on this topic is rather sparse, this study investigates whether
pursuing a corporate climate change strategy leads to better corporate financial
performance. By applying paired samples t-tests, a sample of 62 companies from
the electric utilities sector matched in pairs is investigated over a five-year time
span. Results indicate that firms with a comprehensive climate change strategy
predominantly perform significantly better than their competitors without such a
strategy. These findings might contribute to promoting climate change strategies in
a corporate context.


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